
Whispering @olhares.com por João Félix

Can you hear the whispers that I swallow
Can you smell the perfume of my cry
Can you tell the steps that I follow
Can you touch the time that passed me by ...

While I watch the moon that gentle smiles
And see the stars that twinkle near
I feel the rhythm of my heartbeat
And I can't avoid one more tear

And when I think of those eyes of yours
With such light that make me shiver
I wonder how it'll be next time
When I have the chance of having you near me

In the moment that I write this lines
Somehow I know I’ll dream of you
I let my thoughts run through my mind
And still have time to say "I LOVE YOU !"

And then, I fall asleep...


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6 Responses to "Whispers"

  1. Braulio Pereira Says:

    hello natacha

    i am glad for you
    heart is the mirror your soud
    forever dreams......

    que rico teu baúl

  2. Lusbelo Says:

    Mesmo com o meu limitado inglês consegue ler toda a sensibilidade de quem escreveu...


  3. Unknown Says:

    Hello Braulio,

    Thank you so much!!


  4. Unknown Says:


    E não foi a primeira vez que o leu :)


  5. João Roque Says:

    O teu baú afinal é bilingue...
    É uma autêntica caixinha de surpresas.

  6. Unknown Says:

    é Pinguim... o baú tem meia dúzia de coisas escritas em inglês...

    Mas há muito tempo que não o faço.


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